Ceph을 소규모 클러스터 및 개발 클러스터로 사용하기위한 최소 사양에 대하여 알아보도록 하겠습니다. 다음은 하드웨어 최소 사양이므로 성능에 대해 고려하지 않았습니다. 각각의 용도에 따라 하드웨어 요구사항이 나뉘게 되며 다음을 참고하기 최소로 구성할 때 참고하시기 바랍니다.
IBM Ceph Storage 5, 6, 7 / Community 16.2.x, 17.2.x, 18.2.x 모두 동일한 최소 사양을 가이드하고 있습니다.
MON (ceph-mon-container)
- processor : 1 x AMD64 or Intel 64 CPU CORE per mon-container
- RAM : 3 GB per mon-container
- Disk space : 10 GB per mon-container, 50 GB Recommended
- Monitor Disk : Optionally, 1 x SSD disk for Monitor rocksdb data
- Network : 2 x 1GB Ethernet NICs, 10 GB Recommended
MGR (ceph-mgr-container)
- processor : 1 x AMD64 or Intel 64 CPU CORE per mgr-container
- RAM : 3 GB per mgr-container
- Network : 2 x 1GB Ethernet NICs, 10 GB Recommended
OSD (ceph-osd-container)
- processor : 1 x AMD64 or Intel 64 CPU CORE per OSD container
- RAM : Minimum of 5 GB of RAM per OSD container
- OS Disk : 1 x OS disk per host
- OSD Storage : 1 x storage drive per OSD container. Cannot be shared with OS Disk.
- block.db : Optional, but IBM recommended, 1 x SSD or NVMe or Optane partition or lvm per daemon. Sizing is 4% of block.data for BlueStore for object, file and mixed workloads and 1% of block.data for the BlueStore for Block Device, Openstack cinder, and Openstack cinder workloads.
- block.wal : Optionally, 1 x SSD or NVMe or Optane partition or logical volume per daemon. Use a small size, for example 10GB, and only if it's faster than the block.db device.
- Network : 2 x 1GB Ethernet NICs,
RGW (ceph-radosgw-containter)
- processor : 1 x AMD64 or Intel 64 CPU CORE per radosgw-container
- RAM : 1 GB per daemon
- Disk Space : 5 GB per daemon
- Network : 1 x 1GB Ethernet NICs
MDS (ceph-mds-container)
- processor : 1x AMD64 or Intel 64 CPU CORE per mds-container
- RAM : 3 GB per mds-container. This number is highly dependent on the configurable MDS cache size. The RAM requirement is typically twice as much as the amount set in the mds_cache_memory_limit configuration setting. Note also that this is the memory for your daemon, not the overall system memory.
- Disk Space : 2 GB per mds-container, plus taking into consideration any additional space required for possible debug logging, 20GB is a good start.
- Network : 2 x 1GB Ethernet NICs, 10 GB Recommended. Notethat this is the same network as the OSD containers. If you have a 10 GB network on your OSDs you should use the same on your MDS so that the MDS is not disadvantaged when it comes to latency.
- processor : 4 core processor at 2.5 GHz or higher
- RAM : 8 GB RAM
- OS Disk : 50 GB hard disk drive
- Network : 1 x 1GB Ethernet NICs
IBM Storage Ceph – Hardware, Minimum hardware recommendations for containerized Ceph
Ceph can run on non-proprietary commodity hardware. Small production clusters and development clusters can run without performance optimization with modest hardware. Table 1. Minimum hardware recommendations for containerized Ceph ceph-osd-container Proces
IBM Storage Ceph – Hardware, Recommended minimum hardware requirements for the IBM Storage Ceph Dashboard
The IBM Storage Ceph Dashboard has minimum hardware requirements. The following are minimum requirements for using the IBM Storage Ceph Dashboard: 4 core processor at 2.5 GHz or higher 8 GB RAM 50 GB hard disk drive 1 Gigabit Ethernet network interface
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